Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept. 11,2009

So i'd like to start by saying 8 years ago we all know where we were, it will never be forgotten no matter if it was real or a hoax. So i hope everyone took a moment of silence today in memory of the attacks. Another big day cuz Jay-z did drop BP3 today ( what a suprise) 9/11 the same day he dropped his first blueprint album back in like 01... but thats a whole nother story tho.

Today i realized a few things too but i wont get into that either, too lazy i dont liek to write long posts. My cuzin sent me a few tracks todays U/H (Unlikely Heroes) gonna eat it up... as for me and my shit, it is coming soon... God Bless and have a happy and safe Sept.11

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