Friday, August 14, 2009

You My

She used to be my sunshine, my moonlite, my everything. No matter what anyone said or did or told me, it would always go in one ear and out the other... i would take it in, but it couldnt change the feelings i had towards you... i can really say i was inlove but found myself being hurt more often. This to me more than anything just told me that it wasnt meant to be. Theres only so many chances u can give a person to say they are gonna stop hurting you or change and all that. but i dont know. Im done with all this emotional ish im not the type to talk alot about my feelings and shit, but im tryna give yall my life so there u have it ye I ya man Blake has been hurt. It hurts me that we cant be together cuz that is what i wanted first and foremost. I dont know wut will be in store for the future, i guess only time will tell... If she reads this, this is my feelings no sugar coatings, figured id say it somewhere so she dont juss say hes a inconsiderate jerk who has no feelings and it dont hurt him... it does.
Later days

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